Renate Quehenberger, Portrait

Renate Quehenberger, Dr. Phil., media artist, geometer and artistic researcher, born in Styria, lives in Vienna;
Publications in the fields of art, geometry, archaeology, meteorology, quantum physics and systems theory & visualizations, research projects "Quantum Cinema a digital Vision" (a PEEK/FWF project at Uni f. Angewandte Kunst, 2010-2013) Gaia 5.0 DATAMI-Resonances III SciArt Festival of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra (2018-2020), exhibition participations (selection): Neues Museum Weimar (2012), MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, MAK Wien (A, 2013/14), Cairotronica, (EY, 2016), Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (2018) Film-screenings at Ars Electronica Festival Linz, numerous festivals for music and art, IMAGINARY at the International Conference of Mathematicians (ICM, Seoul 2014). Bozar -- Musée des Beaux Arts Brussels, Milano Digital Week 2020, Cairotronica 2021 (EG), Kunsthalle mürz, 2021; Award at the Linnaeus Conference (UQT) 2018 in Sweden.