The Machine Vision in Everyday Life research project welcomes Caroline Sinders and Toril Johannessen

The Machine Vision in Everyday Life research project welcomes Caroline Sinders and Toril Johannessen to discuss the labour of assembling datasets for machine learning.
Wednesday, 2. June 2021 - 16:00 to 17:00


[esc] medien kunst labor
  • Diskussion

Datasets used to train artificial intelligence profoundly shape how machines perceive the world. In the past years an increasing number of studies have made it clear that: training sets lack in diversity, they are collected without consent, labelled in exploitative working conditions, and according to problematic classification schemas. Can we do things different?

In this seminar we explore what a Feminist Data Set is. What it takes to collect a dataset in an ethical way. How to think about bias using machine learning algorithms to visualize the citizens of Bergen. And if an intersectional feminist AI is even possible?

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Caroline Sinders and Toril Johannessen