Opening: theatrum mundi

- Ausstellung
theatrum mundi examines the development of world models and how these might turn out in the future, within that, quantum physical considerations play a decisive role, since their results make a mockery of the determinist world and enable a pluralistically oriented view of the notion of world. Passath symbolizes, through his objects which are moving in the space, the change of models of the world, and realizes at esc medien kunst labor and Schaufenstergalerie SCHARF site-specific installations, which are combined with a presentation of new works by the artist, at galerie GALERIE.
Reception Party at Bürgergasse 5 / atrium: Friday, 27.07.2018, 7 p.m.
esc medien kunst labor (Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz) Opening: Friday, 27.07.2018, 7 p.m.
Duration: 28.07. – 29.08.2018 | Finissage with Symposium: 29.08.2018, 7 p.m.
galerie GALERIE (Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz) Eröffnung: Friday, 27.07.2018, 7 p.m.
Duration: 28.07. – 09.08.2018
Schaufenstergalerie SCHARF (Stubenberggasse 7, 8010 Graz):
Duration: 23.06. – 25.09.2018
During the sumer, at esc medien kunst labor, the exhibition space will be transferred from the inside to the outside and the street respectiveley the public space, become the exhibition space.
theatrum mundi is an exhibition project by contemporary collective graz, in coproduction with esc medien kunst labor and galerie GALERIE. The exhibition project is part of Architektursommer 2018.