ONLINE! - Lino Leum | 1 Minute of Zen extended No.1

- Konzert
Livestream via Klangmanifeste
„1 Minute of Zen“ is a work in progress. In its core reigns the destructive moment to find inner peace. The objects of destruction are mainly CDs, on which one minute of silence and one minute of white noise are recorded alternatingly. Concept of the fixed media series „1 Minute of Zen“ is that no piece lasts longer than a minute and is only made up of the sounds of the destroyed CD. The performance „1 Minute of Zen extended“ focuses not only on the result but also on the process of the destruction. Every performance works exklusively with the live-sound of the destrcution and the destroyed material and is therefore a unique event.
Lino Leum explores the marvelous and unsettling world of noise, sound, synthesis, body, love and voice. She hears every little noise as its own sonic universe and a composition itself, consisting of sounds and waves. Lino Leum creates sonic worlds from these acoustic atoms for the listeners to immerse themselves in.
Zum Projekt:
Kooperation :
Open Music Graz, esc medien kunst labor, echoraum, Setzkasten Wien, Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz) und Radio Helsinki.