
04/04/2024 bis 03/05/2024


Öffnungszeiten Diagonale: täglich von 5. – 8.4. 2024, 14 – 19 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten 10.4. – 3.5.2024: Di – Fr, 14 – 19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung


Donnerstag, 4. April 2024 - 19:00

Three artists open up playful access to new visual worlds and play with realities - from prehistoric times to the present and cyberspace.


Vigilance. Deviation of attention. Digital bodies x digital presence. Immateriality x materiality. Vigilant avatars watch the movements of others in cyberspace, remaining calm and distant, observing who is watching and admiring them. They take on different forms when listening and watching others via screens. Tip: Don't look for answers in their eyes.


Hyperphantasia, A New Prehistory Justine Emard (FRA)

From the depths of the cave to the depths of the brain: in the Palaeolithic, people plunged into the depths and darkness of caves to leave signs of the human spirit on rock faces. Justine Emard has trained an artificial neural network to generate new images of prehistory using a scientific database on the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc cave. Hyperphantasia creates a space that encompasses 36,000 years of image technologies.


NEXUM Flavia Mazzanti (BRA/ITA/AUT)

Space as a "product of subjective projection and introjection", as a repository of all affective sensations, as an active element in dialogue with its inhabitants. In NEXUM, the separation of subject and object is almost completely dissolved in favour of interwoven configurations. Space and its visitors fluctuate in a reciprocal state of mutual becoming.