Die Stadt gehört (zu) uns

Monday, 27. June 2016 - 9:00 to Wednesday, 29. June 2016 - 17:00
[esc] medien kunst labor
  • Workshop

The explosive interest in all kinds of cards forms the basis for this workshop. Inspired by the magazine " Living Map Review", first published in February 2016, the workshop will explicitly be about theory and practice of mapped rooms and participatory social mapping.

The workshop will create a project with young people in cooperation with the HLW Schrödinger. The aim is a mapping to develop a cartography, questioned the hierarchies and commits cartographic systems: Who writes maps ? Why have some places greater importance than others? And how is this commited to a world in which each subject perceives the world in his only his own way ?

Through discussion, interventions in public space and walks, a mapping of the city will be created.

The developed new maps of Graz are presented as a wall object; in addition, the participants will have the chance to talk about the project, stories, descriptions and sounds of the city in a radio broadcast at Radio Helsinki.


Zum Projekt: 


Cooperation with Manuela Zechner,  HLW Schrödinger, Brigitte Schlick