Medusa’s Bed




Thursday, 24. May 2018 - 16:45
esc medien kunst labor_Medusa's Bed by Tom Garretson_Zahra Mani (li.), Lydia Lunch (mi.), Mia Zabelka (re.) (c) esc mkl

In Medusa’s Bed Mia Zabelka’s avant-garde violin arrangements encounter Zahra Mani’s psycho-atmospheric soundscapes and create a background against which the nocturnal singing of Lydia Lunch is showcased perfectly.

Medusa’s Bed is reminiscent of a popular street ballad or a hypnotic radio drama transmitted on the radio at night. Atmospheric and exciting, a latent threat from something wicked that creeps out of the dark and whispers an invitation to your shadow.


“Desire and fury, two of the most elementary, uncontrollable emotional urges whose capacity to affect a person physically connects them, whose roots go deep into the boundless, free flow of the unconscious. They may simply be the excess of all emotions – when everything else has already been expressed and is temporarily exhausted, they ae still able to burst forth violently. They exceed simple control. Instead like an incessant itch they demand constant scratching until finally under hideously bitten fingernails the surface gives way, the skin rips open and blood blossoms along these narrow tracks. No scars can form. Every scab is scraped off. These urges crave endless physical satisfaction. They spread over the body, are manifested on and in it: bloodlust and forgetting.”

(Jack Sargeant)


Medusa’s Bed Winter Tour 2018 travels to Oslo, Berlin, Graz and Vienna. In Berlin the musicians will appear as part of the CTM Festival.

In August 2017 the formation captivated 4000 visitors at the Portuguese FORTE Festival.

Mia Zabelka’s new Solo album “Cellular Resonance” (LCR Records 2017), mixed and co-composed by Lydia Lunch, has also met with enthusiastic reviews worldwide, was presented on The Wire Tapper #45 and was included in several Best of 2017 lists (e.g. Skug, Opduvel).


Medusa's Bed:

Lydia Lunch – Spoken word, e-guitar, objects

Mia Zabelka – E-Violin, voice, electronic devices, alien objects

Zahra Mani – E-Bass, laptop, electronic devices, field recordings


The Medusa’s Bed concert is a co-production by Kanghaus Untergreith and esc medien kunst labor.
