esclab mit Concha Jerez

Concha Jerez @esc 2010
Thursday, 6. October 2016 - 13:00 to Monday, 10. October 2016 - 19:00
[esc] medien kunst labor
  • Worklab

Concha Jerez is a pioneer in the use of technologies; she represents a generation of artists who have helped shape the transition from analogue through to digital culture within the context of art with her research, artworks and innovations. Her works use both text and audio-visual material, engaging in the field of Ars Sonora. Her texts and statements focus on the value attached to art in society.


Concha Jerez is visiting Graz to work on an installation planned for esc medien kunst labor within the context of an esclab. This is set to be realised in 2017.
