esclab mit Seppo Gründler und Rupert Lehofer: Sofa 68

Sujet_Sofa 68_(c) esc mkl, Foto: Seppo Gründler_Attribution: Family assistant, Lars Jacob dinner collage 1968 Danderyd, CC BY-SA 3.0
Friday, 13. July 2018 - 14:00 to Friday, 20. July 2018 - 19:00


[esc] medien kunst labor
  • Worklab

In winter 2018 the artists Seppo Gründler and Rupert Lehofer will realize their installation Sofa 68. For that, there will be an esclab from 13.07 until 20.07. Sofa 68 explores the construction of memory, the memory of media realities and the memory of very personal states of mind in the year 1968, marking its 50th anniversary now in 2018.


The esclab emerged from the encounter between artists, scientists and theoreticians from the most varied disciplines, which initially took place only as an exchange of ideas. The ensuing discourse was so promising, however, that on this basis over the years the esc media art laboratory developed a special form of cooperation which aims to use dynamic discussion and creation processes to directly influence the works that arise in this way. Each project is preceded by an esclab. In the course of this six-to-ten-month work phase, the project participants are invited to the esc media art lab to discuss possible synergies, spatial stagings, cooperation and the like. During this phase, the actual project emerges, which in this way remains open to decisive changes at each stage of the realization and implementation.


Zum Projekt: 
