Online transmission: Plankton | Odyssee in der gläsernen Zone + A Cartography of Sound Art
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Plankton | Odyssee in der gläsernen Zone
Sound, 16 mm projections
Tobias Leibetseder, Patrizia Ruthensteiner and Stefan Voglsinger construct a physical, changing sound cosmos of evaporating materials. High-frequency whirling, dust, a sponge and snow flurries. Silence. The visually flickering digital projection overlaps the edges of a room and the next move of the game comes. Pulsation of self-made devices, interrupted by the shy click of a transmitter. Are we already inside?
Discussion: A cartography of Sound Art
How do we orient ourselves in the world? How do listening experiences contribute to feelings of placement and displacement? How do past memories overlap with present situations to position us in contradictory complexes of space, place, and time? [...] The experience of migration is thus theorised as an embodied process of estrangement, a transition from one register to another. The memory of what it is to be „home“, in comparison to being „away“, unfolds along lines of social relations that are specific to the body´s transition from one socio-political and spatio-temporal situation to another.
Annie Goh: Migrational Listening (p. 187; in: Tales of sonic displacement, SoCCoS: Sound of Culture – Culture of Sound. A Sound-based Artist Residency Network, ed. Julia Eckhardt & Luís Costa, 2016)
Zum Projekt:
Kooperation :
Open Music Graz, esc medien kunst labor, echoraum, Setzkasten Wien, Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz) und Radio Helsinki.