Daniela Jauk
Daniela Jauk is a feminist sociologist, artist and activist and loves (almost) all things intersectional feminisms, art, and beyond. She was active in the autonomous women’s movement in Graz (e.g. as independent women’s representative 2006-08) and in the local art scene (e.g. feminist artist collective LTNC). In her sociological research and teaching she has focused on (transgender) violence, international women’s movements around the United Nations (PhD 2013 at the University of Akron), and critical masculinity studies (much of this work as associate researcher at the Institute for Gender and Masculinity Research Graz). Since 2017 she lives in Akron, Ohio and is currently trying to build (community) gardens with and for incarcerated women* as research specialist for a non-profit in the community corrections sector, while still playing with friends on the intersections of art, feminisms, and theory (e.g. in the video-performance on “Gagafeminist Teaching”).
- activist, artist, scientist, theorist