Distrust; in purple

You meet a new being, as they meet you.
Distrust turns to trust. [Harriet Davey]
In a world where we only encounter people with embellished faces from formats like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Be Real and algorithms automatically put filters over selfie videos that conform to a very narrow norm (big eyes, narrow nose, high cheekbones, etc.), the pressure to conform to these ideas of beauty is becoming stronger and stronger. Whereas in the past, cosmetic surgery was mainly about rejuvenated appearance, today it is the individual adaptation of faces and bodies to the edited and embellished selfies. The rebellion against this standardised aesthetic is not only growing, but also becoming more radical in its form of expression. This includes a new generation of artists who not only question the human image in these formats, but reinterpret it in a completely different way.
Harriet's signature glossy, otherworldly style of 3D digital graphics evolved from years of experimentation. She originally studied graphic design, but quickly realized that the creative language available to a designer - such as grids, layouts and typography - didn't fit her personal process. "In the beginning, I just threw my work out into the world, knowing that it wasn't polished, technical or even good in any way, but that made me less valuable to my work," Harriet tells It's Nice That. "And because I bragged about everything almost delusionally for the first two years, people seemed to have the impression that I was much more established than I really was. I'm a big proponent of trying something until you make it!"
In her work, as well as in her dissertation, she explores the effects of AR filters in smartphone applications specifically on adolescents and their body images.