Poem to the Algorithm


Friday, 13. May 2022 - 17:00


13/05/2022 to 31/08/2022
"A few days ago, a streaming platform I’m on recommended
the song _Technologic, by Daft Punk. The lyrical looping
had me confronted with the rotational nature of intimate and
personal relationships through the digital. I dedicate this text to you,
Algorithm, so as to let you know
about my virtual routine - it is not about distrusting your
ability to observe - nor of my impressions of this virtual
dynamicas a foundation for socialization.
I confess I was grateful for the algorithm having brought this
song back my way, much as I found it funny to recognize that
the algorithm responsible for the virtual and digital cyclicality
of internet social relations was the one pointing out to me an
insult against the system which they themselves are part of. I hope only
to open a more earnest channel of communication, and a less dramatic
_connection." [Excerpt from the poem Programmed Spontaniety, Vitoria Cribb] 


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Recently released in the Academic Magazine 'Diffractions" - Diffractions is a publication from the Scientific Journals of the Portuguese Catholic University.