The King is [H/N]a[c]ked

Progressive and Decentralized Strategies for common wealth, Open Modes Graz


07/07/2015 bis 11/07/2015


Introduction: 7.7.2015, 14.00 - 16.30

Further dates will be fixed during the workshop.

Registration: Form


Dienstag, 7. Juli 2015 - 14:00
Privatsphäre, Überwachung und Performance

Privacy, Surveillanace and Performance

In the triangle of the terms security, control and performance, software artist and programmer Jaromil will explore zones of control that emerged due to the ubiquitous presence of digital media in our daily lives as possible spaces for performance. He will mostly use digital tools from the following projects: and

Together with the workshop participants he will look into progressive and decentralized strategies in digital and networked spaces and strengthen the knowledge about how to integrate an autonomous understanding of the tools surrounding us into contemporary artistic practices. The workshop is directed towards art practicioners.

“Social sculpture and participation in the digital age as a form of participatory art, the same way we talk of participatory democracy and why tools and licensing of them matters just as ownership of production means.”



OPEN MODES is a network developed by nine Graz institutions and initiatives; its projects confront the changing requirements for educating artists in the wake of a continuing discussion of the deteriorating conditions for "Bildung" in general. As part of a reflective practice of producing art, this experimental platform allows for self-determined production of knowledge and its permutation into common resources.

Under the title Mobile Networks, this year’s OPEN MODES 2015 investigates the (im)material and informal framework of Graz as an urban model for a critical and action-oriented place for the discourse about contemporary art. Working with local and international artists and theoreticians, a two-week, practice-oriented program of workshops, reading groups, performances, lectures, presentations, and public seminars will be produced. Interested parties must register in order to participate in their choice of 8 special workshops.

2015_The King is [H/N]a[c]ked, © esc medien kunst labor2015_The King is [H/N]a[c]ked, © esc medien kunst labor2015_The King is [H/N]a[c]ked, © esc medien kunst labor2015_The King is [H/N]a[c]ked, © esc medien kunst labor
