CN:FM is an online/offline network of researchers, artists, curators and digital creative practitioners interested in feminist methodologies, which was initiated in 2014 by Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh) and Sophia Lycouris (University of Edinburgh) in collaboration with Daphne Dragona (Transmediale), Helen Varley Jamieson (Genderchangers, UpStage) and Cornelia Sollfrank (University of Dundee). In their on-going research, they are using a feminist approach grounded on notions of care and affect, which are nomadic, fluid, reflective, playful and non-profit, to explore how debates about distributed networks intersect with those on the concept of the ‘commons’; that is with knowledge resources that are collectively created, owned or shared between the members of the network, and are available to third parties. Commons, therefore, are there to be used and reused, rather than to be exchanged as a commodity.