This symposium gathers reflections, experiences and positions on trans/feminist hackspaces, communities and practices in order to discuss the chances as well as current challenges, detect patterns among groups and to eventually formulate common lines of thought. Within the framework of this gathering, we would like to address questions of how we can articulate these insights, and how we can practice them through art and design, open source development,community building, academia and activism.
with: Cornelia Sollfrank, Yuwei Lin, Mino, Ira Agrivine, Asa Rahmana, Dorothé Smit, goldjian, Deborah Hustic, Natalia Rozalia Avlona, Reni Hofmüller & Jogi Hofmüller, Verena Kuni, Denisa Kera, lizvlx, Marie Kochsiek, Marie Dietze, Goda Klumbyte, Raashi Saxena, Elke Krasny, Patricia Reis, Stefanie Wuschitz, Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Taguhi Torosyan, Paula Pin.