Oribotic Instruments

Oribotic Instruments

The question underlying this work is: What happens to our experience of space when we fold sound? It is embedded in the exploration of basic artistic methods for origami and robotics and follows the central theme of Fold Sensing.


1 Collapse and Crumpling: The multitude of simultaneous folds has a chaotic, intense and mechanistic effect.

2 Force + Geometry: is based on the spatial, sparse and harmonic nature of synthetic sound.

The conceptual approach is to invent foldable musical spaces instead of linear scores. The performer can explore the musical volume through choreographed folding paths and geometric gestures. Technically speaking, the instruments are layered electronics and textiles. The main elements are a capacitive sensor arrangement of printed circuit board electrodes, which are manufactured as kinetic origami structures. The folding angles are detected in real time and transmitted by an algorithm that adapts the non-linear capacitive response to the folding angle. These parameterised folded structures offer new possibilities for interaction, play and performance through contraction and expansion of the folding geometry.