

Freitag, 13. Mai 2022 - 17:00


13/05/2022 bis 31/08/2022
cesc-medien-kunst-labor2022_Screenshot from 2022-05-04 13-56-01

In the face of current events, the artist faces two extremes of repetition in our society. Drawing a parallel between the repetition of violence, in a society shaped by racism, and its investigation of the content loopings to which we are exposed daily in the midst of early virtual socialization and algorithmic racism.

In the work @ilusão @illusion the repetition of images guides the reflection on the states of ecstasy, anxiety, stress, tiredness and loneliness that continuously affect us when interacting with the other and with the algorithm, the one that determines our hierarchical position in the digital environment through the curves of engagement.

Video developed in the OLHÃO WebResidency program in the first week of June 2020.

  • ©esc-medien-kunst-labor_PERFECT BODY_Vitoria Cribb_ilusao_Foto:Martin-Gross_1
  • ©esc-medien-kunst-labor_PERFECT BODY_Vitoria Cribb_ilusao_Foto:Martin-Gross_2
  • ©esc-medien-kunst-labor_PERFECT BODY_Vitoria Cribb_ilusao_Foto:Martin-Gross_3
  • ©esc-medien-kunst-labor_PERFECT BODY_Vitoria Cribb_ilusao_Foto:Martin-Gross_4