End of Life Care Machine

End of Life Care Machine is an interactive installation: signs, medical bracelets, health information forms and other related medical products are used to transform the space into a hospital-like environment where people go for their last rite. In this empty room, lit by a single fluorescent light, there is a hospital bed and the Last Moment Robot next to the bed. The robot is constructed as a medical device with a padded, caressing arm and a customized recording device to accompany and comfort the dying patient*.
Visitors to this installation are invited to enter the space one at a time. After the patient lies down next to the robot, the device is activated and the message "Detecting end of life" appears on an LED screen. At this point, the caregiver leaves the room, leaving the patient alone. Within moments, the LED displays "End of life detected" and the robotic arm begins its stroking movements, designed to promote a sense of comfort during the dying process.