hardware stories between zero and ones
The Department of Care and Wonder
Samstag, 27. September 2014 - 14:30
27/09/2014 bis 28/11/2014

Between 0&1 Workshops
After consumerism world collapsed, a reappropriation of our electronic devices and our human bodies becomes necessary. A virus has attacked all new generation computers, smartphones, tablets with most features becoming unusable.
Workshop 1, Thursday, 25th September 2014, 6.18pm
Attent!on som(t)a(c)tics: With the micro movements of our bodies when using our devices, we improvise and explore forms of embodied emancipation within a digital context.
Workshop 2, Friday, 26th September 2014, 6.18pm
Meditation with computer: Mindfulness technics will connect the processes at work in our minds with our computer processes.